Guidance Note for Mainstreaming Gender in UNDP Projects

Guidance Note for Mainstreaming Gender in UNDP Projects - English

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Guidance Note for Mainstreaming Gender in UNDP Projects

July 13, 2016

This guidance note entails a set of tools to assist staff and consultants of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Uganda to systematically identify, consider and integrate gender issues in projects. It aims to help users identify and investigate gender issues and to build practical design elements into the different project components including: situation analyses, project strategy, results framework, management and coordination, knowledge management and partnership strategies, work plans and budgets.

It guides users on key questions to be asked and data to be collected during project preparation, and provides a menu of entry points for designing projects that can effectively respond to the differing needs of women and men.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals